I’m discovering it might be difficult for me to find time to blog in America. There are so many people to see; there are so many things to do!
So hello, two weeks in. We’re now in Little Rock among family and more friends, but we needed to make a short photo tribute to the amazing people we got to spend time with in Oklahoma City.
We joke that we’re soulmates, but really, we’re scarily the same. She’s pretty great 🙂
And her other half is one of the funniest people we know. I don’t really have a smooth transition for it, but Brad & Stephen made a random trip to the shooting range.
We also spent time with our sweet, sweet friends from Burma. We practiced our Karen, played Yahtzee, and were generally amazed at how much older all of the kids are. We dreamed of them coming to visit Mae Sot and someday sharing a garden.