I felt this at Christmas, and I feel it again now: three-year-olds are great at experiencing wonder. This makes them such fun companions for holidays: just went we start to feel on repeat, they show us the awe.
I loved seeing Oak’s wonder at Christmas: the tree suddenly in our house, the lights, the friends gathering for songs and food, the presents! He loved reading about the story of Christmas; he woke up every day bounding to the advent to open up a cardboard character.
And for Easter, we found it much the same. He loved washing each other’s feet as we talked about Jesus washing his disciples feet; so much so that we re-enacted it three times. He loved the make-shift tomb that we made, while he made a sad face and said, “Jesus. Oww-oww. Sad.”
We checked on Jesus in the tomb–Lego Batman wrapped in toilet paper–and saw the scary Lego CAT guards still standing firm all day Saturday.
And then Sunday. At first sight he shouted, “OH, NO! WHERE JESUS?”
We promised we’d talk about it after breakfast, when we’d all gather around to read the Easter story. But instead, Dad decided to put his deodorant, where Oak found Jesus in the drawer…this time he came bounding to the shower door, “MOM! JESUS! JESUS!”
We had a really lovely Easter. I haven’t had an Easter with our son before; we’ve only celebrated with family gathered around Sunday lunch a few times in the past decade. So for us, it was just really lovely. We enjoyed reading the story and acting it out with a collection of toys.
We enjoyed a morning walk. We enjoyed a dump truck Easter basket and playing outside in crazy Thailand summer heat. We even enjoyed packing up fifty packages of food for our neighbors.
Thankful for so many things to celebrate, and a cheerful little one to point us to joy!
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