We’re still alive over here.
While some days that is just barely true, it’s true all the same; and a gift not to be taken lightly.
Last week was a deluge. And now, sitting miles away on a couch in the countryside of France, I can tell you: we barely made it here. In the seven days before we flew out, we made five trips to the emergency room for friends. Two new babies were born. There were some truly scary situations where I thought we might lose dear friends.
There was also our last Flour & Flowers week before this time away. The Mae Sot community loves these bread products more than we realized, and they ordered with gusto! This past Friday the ladies baked and sold 65 loaves of bread, 330 tortillas, and 180 cinnamon rolls. That’s incredible, for three women with two ovens and a tiny little kitchen on the Thai-Burma border.
So incredible, in fact, that one of the ladies went into labor that evening! She was a month early, so when we got the call at 3am, I asked multiple times, “Now?! She is in labor now?!” After my panic and worry that we hadn’t given her enough breaks or we had pushed her to pre-term labor; the baby arrived safe and healthy. She is a beautiful little girl.
And her sister-in-law told us, “I told her she did a great job going into labor before you left!”
There were also the plans to be set up while we are away: jewelry and sewing projects that will continue; friends that will step in to help the kids and adults continue English, guitar, and cajon lessons; The Reinforcer that will continue some sound editing projects; and our house continuing to be open for Playhouse three days a week. Our blind friend, Aung Moe, must still eat; and the insurance program still needs premiums paid every month.
Oh, and when you travel, you must pack bags–which thankfully managed to happen the day we left.
I suppose I should back up and explain. I’ve been out of words for awhile now. They just don’t seem to come like they used to, so I stopped writing.
We’ve just left our little community for two months away. We are visiting family in the States, with the intrepid hope that this might be our last opportunity to visit before we are placed soon for our adoption. And we’re taking some time in France, where we are anticipating space to pray, think, and dream for the future, with some healing and rest mixed in.
We still love this community, and we hope that somehow, by sheer miracles, we will see change come: changes in patterns, changes in futures, changes in systems, changes of heart.
We also hope that we can have the stamina to keep going when we feel this worn out.
Here is a short video Stephen put together of the different happenings around our home and what we envision for this time away.
Recently I’ve struggled so much to write. The stories, they are too close; they are too much a part of me, a part of us. Sometimes I’m not sure how to even tell them, while respecting my dearest friends or even myself.
So as the silence reveals, I bailed on the words and the stories; particularly the ones that hurt so much to tell.
But there are still so many, that are good and fun and joyous. And Mway Mway has been capturing photos recently, and I’m loving it. They are beautiful glimpses into some of our favorite people and favorite spaces.
Thus, in a new twist for this writing space, I’m launching a mini-series, if you will. “Our Favorites”–a few of our favorite things as we step back and look over the photographs of the life we live.
Stay tuned.
Love you guys.
You are awesome.
I am so thankful to God for you and your work.
Great video