Another babe has arrived safely this week!
This was quite fun to be a part of, because we know this family so well. Beh Jaw & Thidar have seven children, and we were here when their youngest, Jor Lay, was born two years ago. He was born in the midst of a flood and spent some of his first few days at our house.
Now, Thidar’s second oldest, July Oo, just had her first, making Beh Jaw & Thidar grandparents! Two-year-old Jor Lay is an uncle, along with all the other siblings that we see day in and day out. We love this whole family.
It was so fun to be a part of celebrating July Oo’s wedding just over a year ago, and now we are watching her start her family. It is so fun to see the relationships grow and see how dear these friendships become!
It is also fun to see these beautiful Burmese babies and have the privilege of holding them just hours and days after birth. She’s beautiful!
Her name is Zu Zu Zin. It is mostly a family name, but it reminds me of little Zu Zu in It’s a Wonderful Life, and it’s a perfect name for a December baby.
CONGRATULATIONS does this make you feel older…..birth is always such a miracle…
A lovely story, one of hope and a beautiful baby. God bless them all.
Pretty baby!!!