Y’all, this was our December 1st.
We ordered & sent out our Christmas cards in the morning, about 3am.
We mailed about fifty Christmas packages to the many people who make it possible for us to thrive here at 3pm.We sent off a grant application for one of the most exciting ministry ideas we have in our future, and with acceptance, it will kick off in early 2015.
We set up our Christmas tree with ornaments telling the stories of so many adventures.
We ate cinnamon rolls for dinner and admired the lights that blink from dirty electricity. And then we had friends join us for an expat community movie night featuring A Christmas Carol, a creepier movie than I remember.
It was a good day. Stephen gave me a “Go Team!” and asked, “Does this mean we are starting to catch up?!” That’s right: we might, just might have ourselves a little more pulled together and ready to host a community Christmas party & get three women to the hospital to deliver their babes this month. Christmas is in sight!
oh my goodness; and I thought I was busy…………….but there are 2 of you to do it….. Yes, it IS December already…..Christmas WILL soon be here. Love you, Gma