There is a new farm | bar in town. Yes, that is a farm and bar, all wrapped up into one and called FarmBiac.
You’re guess on what that means is as good as mine.
In short, it’s an outdoor bar with a live music stage and a small sheep farm. Sheep are kind of a thing here, and I’m not really sure why. My best guess is that it is similar to our visiting elephants or tigers: we don’t have them where we come from. Sheep aren’t native here, so maybe they are really amazing to see? I’m kind of thinking they are dreadfully hot, too.
And I’m thinking that they smell. Is it enjoyable to drink beer with an animal farm stench? It isn’t enjoyable to drive by momentarily on my motorbike, so it’s hard to imagine an inclination to stop and stay awhile.
Unfortunately the latest ad I saw for FarmBiac didn’t answer my many, many questions.
See, friends? It’s clearly the place for your lady and your kids and your beer. And “winter is in the farm”–which explains nothing.
Mary Walker says