I’m admittedly not trendy.
We try, sometimes. Stephen reads the news and tells me the important bits. He reads different Mac websites and recording sites to know the latest in technology; we watch Apple’s Keynotes. He is always looking into new trailers on iTunes and what new music out from his favorite bands and artists. My main contribution is to read Facebook and tell him which news stories we should look up, who is pregnant or having babies, and what funny new videos are going round and round. We also listen to This American Life podcasts on NPR, which is mostly random topics, but just makes us feel like we are up on the trends and provides interesting conversation pieces at parties. Y’know, all the parties we are going to in Mae Sot.
For Christmas, Stephen used his trending skills and looked up some of my favorite authors. He discovered that Jared Diamond, who wrote Guns, Germs, & Steel, had a new book out, just in October. He bought it for me for Christmas, and I am reading it now. I actually posted a quote from it in this blog.
Just this week I went for a run and popped on a This American Life episode from April. Ira Glass started by mentioning a new book that just came out, The World Until Yesterday by Jared Diamond.
WHAT?! That’s the book I’m reading right now. In Mae Sot.
I was pretty excited. Probably too excited, considering that simply means I’m on top of the trends in nerdy, social science circles. But I’m trending, none the less!