A small group of kids was in playing the other night, when a little boy left and forgot to shut the door behind him. I asked Lay Tah Oo, nearest to the door, to shut it for me. I called his name to get his attention and then motioned for him to shut the door, while speaking out a full sentence, “Lay Tah Oo, will you shut the door for me?”
Yuh Meh Oo was coloring right next to me, and without looking up–and thus not seeing any of my hand motions or body language–got up to shut the door! She beat him to it, and with the impeccable English skills of understanding me without any body language, and with record speed!
I know this probably feels inconsequential to many, but it was truly monumental to us. One of those little moments I just don’t ever want to forget!
That is so cool. English skills will help them go far, I think—but for now, it is just so cool to be understood.