Some posts require a part two, and this would be one of them. Thank you for all who prayed and checked on us in our visa mess.
I am so thankful to be able to say that–as of Thursday–Stephen & I each hold a one year visa. For our family, this gives us one more year in the Kingdom of Thailand together. This visa is renewable in-country so that–in theory–we shouldn’t be back in this predicament again. We also now have the time and ability to pursue a US visa in the future.
In short, it’s sorted.
In long, it was so unbelievably stressful. And expensive. And difficult.
This isn’t really the (public) place to go into details, but it felt like a miracle. It was truly terrifying some days to look at our bleak options and look at the ridiculously slim chances we were hoping on.
But. BUT. We serve a God of miracles. We’re okay. And we’re here, together. We realize that isn’t everyone’s story.
So we’re thankful. ♥️
So pleased fir you Kelli – what a relief at the end of a long trauma. Our God is indeed the God of miracles. Thanks for your delivery for me too! God Bless, Carol x
Rejoicing and thankful with you all!
Joining you in praise and thanksgiving.
So thankful that it worked out for you. God is good and we praise His name!
So thankful!
You guys are amazing!
Praise God