Camping is a part of every Christmas season for us, and this year was our first time to bring Oak! We did three trips so far, and loved every one.
The first trip is one I’ll never forget. We went to one of our favorite spots, and it was just perfect. Oak absolutely loved it.
And Stephen did, too. Camping was so much a part of Stephen’s childhood memories, and he was just over the moon to be bringing Oak along. I felt like I couldn’t capture enough photos of both of their faces the whole time.
We also did a trip after Christmas. This one had a great hike, and while we didn’t all enjoy the whole thing, it was an adventure!
Unfortunately, Oak woke up from this beautiful nap by a bee sting. We didn’t think much of it, until the next morning, when we were greeted with this.
Since we were in the middle of nowhere and not sure how this would go, we headed off to a nearby hospital. And while not what we expected for this camping trip, we made the most of it.
We had memory games to play and Starbucks to drink and motorized bicycles to borrow from the hotel!
And last, we took a camping trip with friends. This was such fun for Oak, too!