The House Collective

we’re gonna go back in time.

I have gotten a bit off the blogging train in the past few months, and I initially thought I’d just let it go by.

Then I started looking through pictures, and I just couldn’t pass it by. It’s been a year full of such joy with Oak at our sides; and then to have family visit! So we’re gonna go back in time.

My parents came to visit Oak!

This photo brings me such a deep joy. I love that you can see both of my parents hands: their wedding bands, the wrinkles; all the hugs they’ve given over the years. Three generations in one embrace. I love their utter happiness as they meet Oak for the first time. I love my dad’s all-encompassing hugs.

We also took Oak’s first trip to the beach!
This was priceless; he absolutely loved it.

I love this one of Oak telling the waves to “Stop!”

My brother-in-law came to visit too! He met us at the beach and then spent a few days with us in Mae Sot.

I’m actually now in Bangkok, where I’ll pick up two sisters arriving tonight for a visit! We are so thankful for the family that has been able to visit (and for those trying to pull it off somehow this year!); it’s not an easy feat. But it’s such an incredible gift!

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