Y’all, these past few months have just beat us in so many ways. But, hey, there is still so much to say.
We started November with an anniversary trip to Chiang Mai. We took on the city for a day or two of good food and fun shops, and then headed outside of town to ride bikes and go for hikes and enjoy the beautiful weather of northern Thailand.
At the end of October, the mourning season for H.M. The King officially ended for the country of Thailand, and we slowly, hesitantly have begun to wear red again.
After just returning from our anniversary trip, we got a call from the adoption agency to meet our new caseworker. We packed up the car the next week and trekked to Bangkok.
{When Stephen & I were dating long distance, I learned pretty quickly that there are lots of emotional moments that you want to remember–for the moment but not necessarily for your face. I started encouraging photos of the backs of our heads, of our feet. And well, it’s stuck. I don’t want to forget this moment in our lives, but there are parts of it I don’t want on record, either.}
Thankfully Bangkok has more to offer us, including visiting these favorite faces.
And since we’re still having celebrations once a week, we went out to our favorite live jazz venue and talked about what good things were going (this list didn’t include the flop-meeting with our caseworker).
Since Thanksgiving isn’t really celebrated worldwide, Thailand tends to jump into Christmas pretty early on.
Within a day or two of returning from Bangkok, I had another abscess under my arm. Not wanting to repeat the last very painful experience, as soon as we knew outpatient surgery was necessary, we got in the car to go to Chiang Mai. Ultimately, it was a good call, but it wasn’t pleasant on many fronts. I’m still recovering, and we’re working so hard to build up my immune system.
The doctors say that with my immune system down (which it seems it has been since dengue fever in July and my dog bite in August; and the following reported infections), this will keep happening. We’re currently downing green smoothies and fresh fruits & veggies and vitamins like there is no tomorrow, and we are praying, praying, praying we can be done with this season of poor health.
We’re still trying to participate in the local community, and went to the art show our friend hosted, the grand opening of our friend’s restaurant, and a fundraiser for an organization working to end abuse of women & children. {It might sound like we have a lot of friends, but I’ll just remind you that we do sell bread & flower bouquets in a small town every week, so…}
To raise funds, you bought a t-shirt & decorated it, and then it was auctioned off.
Our seamstresses are still busy sewing for a few projects. San Aye and her two kids are thriving, and I love how her smile captures it all.
Mwei Mwei loves sewing, but isn’t a huge fan of the required studies. It’s a bit like pulling teeth, but teeth I really want to pull–I really want her to know a higher level of math (I’d like her to be comfortable with multiplication & division, but she currently does alright at addition & subtraction); to be regularly reading & writing Burmese; and to learn some English & Thai.
Math has been a particular battle. At the beginning of November, we struck a deal (offered a bribe?)–if she would memorize her times tables, we would give her additional money (on top of her salary, which goes to her family) and take her for a shopping trip. She has two chances to get 90% on all her times tables (1-12, in the form of minute math pages), and her first try was this past Thursday.
We found out one of the mothers in the community is pregnant again–with her third, the oldest being 3 1/2. Culturally this is rare, and a “mistake” if you will. As the general response was overwhelming fear and concern; others asking how she let this happen again, we wanted to be sure she knew we were there to support her and wanted her to welcome this baby with joy. We bought two maternity dresses in the market and delivered a bag of rice to the family; and then offered to take her to the clinic for her checkup. Within that week, her oldest was also bit by a dog, at which point we learned he didn’t have any vaccinations–including his tetanus which is really needed for dog bites. Thus, by the following week, we were at the clinic two days with them, catching both boys up on all their vaccines, getting them their birth certificates, and getting an ultrasound and bloodwork for the new babe. While we believe it was so important to support her this, it did mean I ended up locked in the car with three toddlers because I couldn’t manage to keep them all within reach at the clinic.
Fast foward to this Saturday, when Stephen had to pick up The Reinforcers to return sound equipment to the church before we went to get four kids for a Christmas dance practice. As we planned our day, “Let’s go to Sai Bo Bo’s birthday party at 8; and then you go at 8:30 to get the kids and return the sound equipment. Can you pick me up by 9:30 so we can get the kids to dance by 10? Then maybe we can go work at the coffeeshop until we have to pick them up…”
Again, lots of children and yet none we call our own!
On a Sabbath, we went up into the mountains to read and hike in the quiet. It turned out to be colder than we thought, so I was layering two sweaters and we eventually started a fire. We couldn’t believe the chill, so we looked up the temp–according to our phones it was 82 degrees 😳 I’d like to assume that was incorrect, but not sure how much margin of error I can credit!
And now it’s December, and we’re going big for Christmas this year! More snippets of chaos to come 🙂