Last Sunday was the seventh anniversary of our church Light of Love. We attended the usual morning service (9am to 1pm) and the evening celebration service (5:30pm to 10:30pm), so, uhh…that was a lot of church.
But it was really beautiful.
Lots of our neighbors came for the celebration, three of the kids participated in a special song & dance, and I made lots of cake with two of the girls. After singing a few songs, Pastor Ah Tee asked a few people to turn off all the fans, which incited a small amount of panic as I sat surrounded by forty-some people in a space the size of your living room. They then passed out candles to everyone and we lit them all as we sang and the pastor shared how the church–Light of Love–has been a light to the community for seven years; and how we as the Church are the light of the world. We then all put our candles together, showing the bright light we together emit.
It was a beautiful word picture. We only half-melted during it, and I’m pretty sure it didn’t top too much of 100 degrees in the room, so…bearable. I did get a little worried at the candles, in dirt and in a pan, on the plastic chair.
And I had another panic when, during the service, a little boy from our community got up for water and tripped over the fan cord–unplugging the fan and nearly falling into the tipsy folding table holding flowers and four cakes. 😳 It was a close one.
But we really are so thankful for our church and it was fun to celebrate!