Some of our dear friends in Mae Sot, Adam & Nu, have a two-year-old daughter, and she took a tumble last week. She seized and passed out following it, so they rushed her to the emergency room to have her looked over and run some tests.
I will reassure you of two things: First and most celebratory, she is fine! Everything checked out as normal. Second, you can see that it isn’t just us. It’s this town or something.
Anyway, they found themselves in the ER during the night shift, when our translator friend works. Since Nu is Burmese, he came to help them communicate with the Thai staff.
And in the middle of it all, he said there was a couple here last week that speaks great Burmese and goes to church. He said he’s friends with us now and wanted to know if Adam & Nu knew us. Sure enough, they do. And he was over the moon that we could just all be friends!
Even when it bites: at least you get complimented on your language skills and you all turn up okay in the end 🙂