The House Collective

#happytobehere: best of.

(So we’re not there any more, but we were happy to be there when we were! And here’s just a few posts of recap while we transition through Bangkok and make our way to Mae Sot on Tuesday.)

Best City.

Guys, Chicago is the best. I’ve always loved it, but this time, it really took us.

In transit we took a couple days for just us in the city, and it was just more than we could have asked for. We used the shared bicycle system throughout the city and biked all of the Lakefront Trail. It was just stunning and so refreshing.

But we wouldn’t want to get too healthy biking for miles, so we stopped for donuts, too. I’m sure that’s what they intend for your bike basket.

And we found a candy shop, which has been one of my America-goals. (Ridiculous, I know.) About a year ago we were in Bangkok and I spotted a candy store across the mall–bright colors, so many choices in so many bins. I went running over, only to find it a dried fruit shop. And since then I’ve been wanting to visit a candy shop. So we did and I loved it! And we spent like $5 because I don’t even enjoy candy that much. (It’s so odd the things you miss–sometimes it’s not even things you’d do|eat if you were in the States!)

Really, it was just great. He’s great and being together in a great city was the best.

Best Activity.

 It was so much fun to be outside in America! We had such fun hiking, going for walks & bike rides, and playing at parks {until allergy season hit}.

Apparently we really, really enjoyed being outdoors.

Best Rest.

About six months ago my sister started talking about a conference she was helping to plan at their church, and it sounded great then. After we bought tickets and it overlapped with the conference, that was the first text I sent–sign us up!

The Dwell Conference was a two-day event considering the different ways we dwell with God. We were able to attend with my sister & brother-in-law and my parents, and it was just a great chance to breathe, pray, and worship.

For the past six years, church often involves either high personal involvement (hosting, leading worship, teaching) or its in another language. Or worst case scenario, both.

The opportunity to simply sing along, to listen, to participate: so restful. We loved it.

Best Mentors.

Paul has been our pastor for over ten years now, and we are so thankful for the wisdom, prayers, and encouragement he has poured into us and our marriage. We were able to enjoy coffee with him regularly while were stateside, and we are so thankful for every moment we got!

We met Tom & Sherie in 2008 when we came to work with the Karen with them, and we’ve been cherishing every moment with them since. For those who are fans of The Hobbit, their home is our Rivendale.

We were able to enjoy long meals, long walks, and long conversations with them for a few days in February, and it was simply the best.

Best Tour.

We were able to visit some friends in small-town central Illinois, and let me tell you: they give the best tours! We loved getting to see their hometown, which also boasts the best theatre for miles.

They were such fun hosts and made central Illinois super tempting, I must say.

Best Concert.

We got to see Norah Jones in concert at the Ryman!

It was by far the best concert I’ve been to. The Ryman is a spectacular venue, and she is pretty spectacular herself. She mixes up the style, shows off different instruments, and gave the best very best encore I could fathom.

And again, with him! So fun.

Best Photo(s).

I couldn’t pick just one.

These sisters are pretty incredible members of a pretty incredible family, and I love this photo of them.

And this just perfectly captures my niece in all her greatness.

Best Burger.

If you are ever in Nashville, look up The Pharmacy. It was the best burger we’ve ever had, and delicious phosphates. The conversation with these guys made it all the better!

Best of Both Worlds.

We had the chance to cross paths with lots of friends from Mae Sot while we’re in the States. It’s so fun to see people in such a different element and see what we take with us and what we don’t. And to see their lives after returning, too!

These amazing ladies are studying at John Brown University while their parents keep us alive in Mae Sot. It was fun to visit campus and see where they are, and to feel super old–just visit a college campus! Oh, and mention that you loved getting to see Norah Jones in concert. The looks are priceless.

Best Surprise.

My brother-in-law is the vice principal at a school in Little Rock, and he came home one afternoon with the best surprise. He had been talking to the counselor that day, and she was lamenting how difficult it was to connect with and communicate with one of the families in the school. She couldn’t find a translator, and it just wasn’t working.

When she mentioned it was a Burmese family, he thought of us! By the end of the week we came in to help them translate some documents and were able to sit down and chat with this sweet mother for over an hour.

We were able to get her daughter signed up for the free summer ESL program, and we got to hear all about their family and the few other Burmese families in Little Rock. We later came back to translate more documents and get them registered for next year; and we visited them at work a few times.

It turned out to be such a fun surprise. It was great to get to use our Burmese and see how far we’ve come, and it was just so fun to connect with something so familiar a million miles away.

Best Coffee.

It took us to our last day to find it, but if you’ve got a coffee shop brewing Nitro Coffee near you–go get it. It’s a cold brew coffee infused with nitrous oxide, so it’s frothy and not acidic. It’s naturally sweeter and creamier, without sweetener or cream.

Oh, the best way to know you’ve traveled in from way out of town? You’re wearing the same five outfits for every photo over three months! 😂

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