The House Collective

baking bread, chasing goats, & then some.

Some seasons are just too full for too many words. But I do still love the photos!

We have been baking so much bread as of late! Flour & Flowers continues to grow at amazing rates. Most weeks we are baking over twenty loaves of bread and rolling out 140+ tortillas. They are also getting particularly stunning at rolling out beautiful, round, huge tortillas.

We sell cinnamon rolls once a month; and in just our fourth month, sold 20 pans! So many friends, neighbors, and organizations in Mae Sot have been so supportive to purchase, and we are loving seeing it grow. We are also really excited to see a savings account growing for all the staff to split at the end of the year.

We are constantly working to keep the littles away from the hot ovens, particularly as they both mirrors.

Some of our neighbors recently purchased goats. And since we live very communally, if they have new goats, so do we! There are at least three spend most of their time in our yard. In some ways it is a free lawn service; in other ways it is a liability for bread business!

Last week I had cinnamon roll pans out on every table and bench, then turned around to find three goats half way into our house and making their way toward bread!  They may be our biggest challenge for leaving our doors open all day.

Our Open House hours through the week are still such fun. This week the kids starting making snowflakes, which quickly turned into crowns–perhaps since they don’t know what snowflakes are?

I love our street in the evenings. The sun sets so beautifully on the horizon of the mountains and the community comes out to buy roti and play games and climb on motorbikes and unwind from the day. Its like block party–every night.

This particular night we had given out photos: a few times a year we print copies of the photos we’ve taken of the community. If there are three kids in a photo, we make four copies–one for each child to have in his house, and then one for our community photo albums. We group them all together and give each household a stack of photos to paste on their walls–y’know, next to the old photos of us in college or of our families that we threw away!

 It always fun to see them cherish the photos so much!

Zen Yaw goes to church with us every Sunday afternoon and most Sunday evenings. Despite falling asleep in my lap nearly every time, he loves it. He asks most days if we’re going today (as we’re still sorting out which days are which).

He came back from a different church last week–another local church had picked the kids up for a Saturday program–and exclaimed, “Kelli, you didn’t come to church!” I told him I went to a different church, but we’d go together on Sunday. Did he like it? Yes. What did you learn? We ate snacks! 😂

The best is that he’s learning to pray, and instantly folds his hands into mine and ends with the most adorable Amen I’ve ever heard! So sometimes I try to sneak a photo of his little praying fingers.

And then this morning we had one last little homework help session–with the littles giving high fives on the side– before we left for vacation. While I’m so thankful to be walking on the beach, I’m also thankful we have all of this to go home to.

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