The House Collective

sons & daughters.

During Flour & Flower deliveries on Friday, we were discussing how Kelvin & Laura have just had their firstborn baby back in Canada this week. They were asking the weight and comparing her to their babies’ weight. And they were obviously over-the-moon that she was a little girl.

So I asked, “Are girls or boys ‘good’?” (Note: I am asking two women the car with me. One has six sons, ranging from about 10 to 35, and the other has two sons, 2 months and 4 years.)

Daw Ma Oo: Girls.
Me: Pyo Pyo?
Pyo Pyo: Girls.
Me: What about all Burmese people? What do most people think?
Daw Ma Oo & Pyo Pyo: Girls.
Me: Why?
Pyo Pyo: Girls are better behaved; calm-hearted. Boys are naughty.
Me: But, Daw Ma Oo, don’t you have SIX boys?!”
Daw Ma Oo: Yes. Daw Ma Oo is TIRED.

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