The House Collective

all we did is win, win, win.

I’m sorry for the silence. Instead of writing and posting to a blog, we had family in town and we were soaking it up. We enjoyed conversations, games, food, and adventures: all we did is win, win, win.

And now we share the fun of having my sister & brother-in-law come to visit for a couple weeks!

We scheduled a few appointments in Bangkok the days before Steven & Keri arrived so we could be there to pick them up at the airport. One of their flights was delayed, which led to missing the next one, which led to delayed luggage…you know the drill. Except, their re-routed schedule had them arriving four hours early to Bangkok! We enjoyed a morning over coffee before catching our flight to Mae Sot. Thailand also came through with gusto and connected their luggage on a flight to Mae Sot the next day! I can’t really express how much of a surprise this was: win, win, WIN.

It was so fun to show them around Mae Sot after it has become so much a part of us.

We took them to our favorite places, which for me, is the market.

And we introduced them to our favorite people! It was fun to see Steven in his element of teaching. We also played games with the kids and they were able to help with childcare during bread baking.

It was so fun to have them in the community and loving on our best friends.

I wish I could truly explain how many times we had the realization of there being two Kewees (Kelli & Keri) and two Stewens (Steven & Stephen). This happened in every conversation, in every city, and every culture. Amazing, and absolutely hilarious, particularly when the converser is somewhat inhibited by alcohol. Yes, there are two of us with relatively the same name, and there will be the same number in the morning!

Global Alms returned to our community to bless additional girls with beautiful dresses!

We spent one day exploring waterfalls!

We went to countless of our favorite restaurants and loved sharing the experiences of Mae Sot with the Helmicks!

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