Sometimes I overestimate the capacity we have, and it leads to a few busy, chaotic days as Stephen graciously helps us pull it off and make ends meet.
Other times, I truly and completely overestimate our capacity, and it leads to a few weeks of exhaustion and a night or two of not going to bed until 2 or 3 in the morning. Because Stephen is one of the most patient people I know, he is still gracious and helps pull it all together. This includes going to sleep on the futon at 2:30am because I’m still packing and have clothes strewn across our bed. That was this past two weeks for us.
But amidst the over-zealous to-do list, there were some great notables. The first being the kids’ first day of school!
(Are you hearing “First day of school! First day of school!” in Nemo’s voice? Me, too.)
The kids are divided between three schools around us, mostly depending on the parent’s value of education and willingness to pay between $3 and $20 per term.
(On the note of the heat wave, I know we keep mentioning this. The rain has now started, and we officially survived. But I want to note that there usually about five consecutive days over 105 degrees Fahrenheit. This year, there were fifty. FIFTY CONSECUTIVE DAYS of what I can only fathom to be hell-like heat. We were not being overly dramatic. It was horrible. Take a minute and say a prayer of thanks that we survived and that you don’t live here.)
For those going to Ko Pi Ban migrant school, our house is the unofficial bus stop for the surrounding kilometer or so. It’s so fun to have the kids gathered around in the mornings–both kids we know and kids we are only now meeting–and then hear, “The car is here! The car is here!” and watch everyone pile into the back of a pick-up. It’s a magic show, really: I have no idea how they pile some fifty kids into the car. They just keep coming and squeezing.