The House Collective

the professionals.

Since we finished House Church in our community recently, we having been praying through what the next step will look like. Two weeks ago, we met with the pastor & his wife from our Burmese church to discuss options and ideas.

We discussed a few ideas, to which they responded: Could we start with an eye clinic?
Yes, yes, and YES.
And then we’d like to just come by to visit; can we build relationships and get to know them?
Yes, yes, and YES.
We’d love to invite them to church later. They are welcome to come! Can we come pick them up?
Yes! A million times yes!

A few days later they came by the community to say hello. We scheduled an eye clinic for next Tuesday, when they’ll come able to check vision, find prescriptions, and give out free glasses. If bigger problems are found–cataracts and glaucoma–they arrange for surgeries to be done at the local clinic and help with transport. (!!)

They popped into houses, mentioned the eye clinic, and asked if they could come by to teach the children. They chatted with the neighbors, they laughed; they were welcomed instantly.

Stephen later said, “I feel like we’ve been planting and watering for years, and then we just called in the professionals.”

This Saturday they arrived at the community about 5 o’clock; they pulled out a mat and thirty kids gathered around. They sang songs, learned names, and shared Bible stories.

They came back Sunday to pick the kids up for Sunday school at 2:30pm. Ten children hopped into the truck and spent an hour with other Burmese Christian children. They memorized a Bible verse, sang songs, and heard another Bible story.

And they’ll be back, every Saturday to teach in the community and every Sunday to pick them up to go to Sunday School. We’ll be joining when we can, and they’ll continue when we can’t. Because they’re professionals.

It feels too good to be true! We’ve found a lovely Burmese church that loves us and welcomes us with limited language. They love what we do in the community, and they are walking with us!

We’re rejoicing that God sent the professionals our way!

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