So we have this little business we affectionately call Flour & Flowers, delivering fresh homemade bread and local flower bouquets door to door once a week. We’re small and we are making it up as we go.
We are definitely more about relationship than business, and we know that might get us into trouble someday, if it has’t already.
And there are many days I wonder why we thought this is something we could do.
Then there are other days, when I receive a text from a friend telling us that she’s giving us her oven as she leaves town. Her oven, a prized and coveted item in this little town: for free. She said she loves what we are doing with the ladies and feels like its an opportunity to support it as she goes.
That would be the second oven we’ve been gifted since starting this little business last July.
I have no words.
Both of these ovens were also gifted from Partners’ staff members long after we had resigned from the organization. What a testimony to the generous, gracious people we were able to work alongside!
The oven needs a little loving and minor repairs, which we’ll be working on as we dream about what this means: do we expand our options? Do we speed up our process? How do we best utilize the tools we’ve been given to bless this community?
We start by giving thanks–to the generous people who give and to God who orchestrates the giving and receiving in the ways I least expect.
Then we rearrange our kitchen a few times to decide how to arrange two ovens, bulk ingredients, and three people that our little business requires into our closet-sized kitchen!