Keeping up while Stateside is laughable. The sheer pace of this country is a force to be reckoned with, in addition to our lives here as we try to seize every moment with every person we see in every city we visit.
I’ll just go ahead and say that we fail at this: we miss milestones, even while we are here. Some days we are tired, and I know we miss out on actually being present. Other days we are just overwhelmed, and I know I don’t communicate well or I don’t cherish the person in front of me that I haven’t seen in ages.
We’re trying. Every time we’re trying to sort this out more and more: how to live there and live here, to just live well and to be thankful for the opportunity to do so.
This has been my mantra while we are here: this is America, baby! Be thankful.
So without further adieu, here is part 1, where we spent quite a bit of time with my family after my dad’s epic 60th birthday party.
First, we had Green Day. This is exactly what it sounds like: a day for all of us to wear green wherever we went.
While a large percentage of us were on the same continent, we attempted some family photos.