The House Collective


With all the changes in our country & neighborhood, many of the families have moved into concrete homes|rooms in the past few months. This has increased their monthly expenses, as rent is at least double and sometimes up to five times as much. As has been said, “Need is the mother of invention”–we suddenly have some little entrepreneurs on our hands.

One of the women has opened a little shop at the kids’ school. She is outside all day cooking and selling her items to the kids for lunch. Not only is it a great income, but it’s a fun place for us to go! So, here is a new favorite lunch stop:

We can’t eat there all the time as its all fried foods that will slowly (or quickly?) kill us, but it is fun to support her little business. It’s also on the campus of the kids’ school, so we get to sit at this little table–the only table–with a lot of our little friends on their lunch break. Talk about a place where everybody knows your name!

 Another woman has begun selling flowers, and she brings me by a selection to choose from. Nothing like having fresh flowers delivered to your door regularly!

It has been really fun to see their entrepreneurial sides come out, and we really love to support them. It’s even better when it’s things we can enjoy–flowers or lunch. This is considerably better than the unidentified-meat-kebabs that I wasn’t really sure what to do with once I bought them!

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