The House Collective

everything is awesome, take 6.


Stephen and I had some great opportunities to enjoy a couple dates nights out while we were home. We also really enjoyed the Arkansas River Trail that runs through Little Rock and North Little Rock. Our tandem–my wedding present from Stephen that is still the best present ever!–was really fun to enjoy.

We did have one significant flat tire that shortened one of our trails, but we did love the other couple times we got to go!

We pass this along the trail, which is pretty fun since we have green tandem 🙂

We also took several hikes up and around Pinnacle Mountain.

And, to fulfill a dream I’ve had since we moved to Thailand, we went to a water park!  We were definitely the only ones in our age group–it was pretty much all teenagers or parents with kids–but we had so much fun.

Last, we took a trip to Oklahoma City, a place that somehow feels a lot like home, too.

We saw some our favorite people, including this lovely family!

We have pictures with them each year, and it is amazing to see them grow up! Thay is now graduated and off to start her freshman year of college, and Htoo is now starting her senior year. And please note that they are all smiling in this photo! Stephen & I take partial credit for that after years of convincing them to smile for photos 🙂

We were also able to see my sweet sister, Hope! She has recently taken a management position at Chuy’s and is working at the Norman store.  It was so fun to get to see her in her element and catch up after so much time away!

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