The House Collective

’twas the night of three dinners.

It’s been a whole holiday week around here for Songkran | Thingyan–the office closes, we have a collective water fight that requires showering often, and {some of us} sleep and rest.

And today, we celebrate the local new year!

Today was also Oo Wah Tah’s birthday, so we had a tapioca-coconut-soup around noon. For the new year, we were given a strawberry drink with black jelly squares and lime and salt in the afternoon.

And then the real party began–including a blown speaker, karaoke, and so much more.

Yuh Meh Oo brought us a bowl of noodles & curry about 6:30pm. We shared some of it, but tried to save room for our dinner that was already in the oven. I was thankful I made a small dinner of roasted vegetables and half a piece of chicken for Stephen.

And then we sat, with hopes the evening was over after two bloody escapades with the kids.

Not so fast. We were invited over to join the party–for another meal of noodles and curry!  The party also included lots of dancing. The traditional Burmese celebration also includes a sprinkling of homemade shampoo. I’m not entirely sure what it’s made of, but its kind of oily water-based shampoo with roots and limes in it…thrown on your head when you’re not in the shower.

‘Twas the night of three dinners and a shampoo sprinkling!

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