For his anger is but for a moment, and his favor is for a lifetime.
Weeping may tarry for the night, but joy comes with the morning.
Psalm 30:5
I have prayed over this verse many times over the past year or so.
Sometimes it feels as though joy doesn’t come in the morning: some mornings it is difficult to get out of bed knowing that you are waking up in the same world, the same body, and the same story you went to sleep in.
I think about our neighbors. Do they feel that joy comes with each morning? What if their mornings bring realities of fear and insecurities?
With Christ, my weeping should find joy each morning. As a human with failures, it doesn’t always.
But as we drove home yesterday, we were discussing our lives, everything from our recently purchased vehicle to our families and hopes for the community and plans for our ministry…and I felt like I was glimpsing the sunrise. I felt like God just pointed forward over the horizon–maybe a the sun rising over a mountain range, or a dark curtain rising to reveal a bright beam of light–and said to look forward, because the morning is coming. The sunrise is emerging.