The House Collective

four years.

It’s been a long year, friends. And really, this guy is the only one who really knows how long its been and has been there through all of it. So we headed off this weekend to celebrate four truly good years married, and the almost-end of this really long year.

First, we borrowed one of Partners’ trucks for the journey, and this was such a privilege. Driving is such a privilege! You can leave when its convenient for you, stop when you’d like to, go the speed you feel safe, listen to the music you choose. It’s really a beautiful privilege and made the weekend much more enjoyable.

And since we could stop where we wanted, we found this in a bookshop on the way: The Giver, my favorite book, and the four-part series translated into Thai! I can’t even read it, and it brought be great joy. I’m glad others are able to read it.

Then we arrived to Sukhothai, a small little touristy town just a couple hours from Mae Sot. And stayed a Thai Thai Sukhothai Guesthouse, with its perfectly Thai name.

We stayed in a lovely little bungalow, complete with swans on the bed. That’s fancy for us.

Sukhothai is known for its temple ruins, so we bicycled around the small “old city” and toured the ancient remains. Despite being quite warm, because we are still in lovely Thailand, it was a really enjoyable bicycle ride.

We are really thankful for a day or two away; we are really thankful for the past four years. And we are hopeful for the next one coming.

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