The House Collective

miracles can happen.

Not sure how many of you grew up with Sandi Patti playing from a cassette tape, but this title is inspired by her.

We went to see Aung Moo in the hospital today, and he is doing miraculously better!  He is not intubated, and he is able to talk and eat. Unfortunately, we didn’t have a Burmese translator today, so we don’t know how sanely he is talking. But he is talking. Currently, he is restrained because he keeps attempting to pull out his IV and catheter.

The nurses seemed pretty optimistic, but they are a little annoyed. Usually family members stay up at the hospital to help feed him, change his catheter bag, and other housekeeping tasks.  We learned today that his friends stopped staying with him at the hospital because the nurses and doctors kept asking for money for his care. They were nervous, and decided to stop coming. We are going up with a few friends in the morning to talk to the nurses, request that they not ask his friends for money, and try to win back some points by providing people to care for him. I think this will also help with some confusion, for him to have friends and familiar faces explaining the situation and procedures being done.

From what we understand, he is still receiving antibiotics, and we don’t yet know the extent of damage caused to his brain. However, Stephen and I were both absolutely floored to see how well he was doing. He is breathing on his own! He is moving! He can speak!  After seeing him last week seizing in our living room and then lying motionless to a beeping respirator while the nurses asked what type of cremation they should do, this is a miracle in and of itself.

Please continue to pray for his healing, particularly for any brain damage that was caused by the encephalitis. And really, pray for God to be glorified in this miracle–in our community, in the hospital, and in Aung Moo’s life!

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