I went back to the hospital this afternoon to check on our patient from yesterday. We learned that he was misdiagnosed. Instead of being in a detox, he has meningitis with encephalitis, or meningoencephalitis. He is in the ICU, and his prognosis is poor.
Please pray for him.
Pray for his three friends, sitting with him at the hospital.
Pray for the community, that meningitis won’t spread.
Pray for wisdom for everyone involved.
Pray that everything would somehow be to the glory of God.
This is all hitting me very hard. Seeing the very real possibility of this man dying, who was just in my house yesterday; knowing that we could have been his only encounter with Christ and hope. Seeing the hopelessness and sorrow in his friends’ eyes. Feeling such a deep love for this community and being so helpless in so many ways.
We are going to Chiang Mai tomorrow, and we’re trying to determine how to know about his situation and watch for more cases while we are gone. God is good, and he knows exactly how this will turn out. He knows exactly how He will be glorified. But please pray with us.
Father God, I pray for this man and commit him to Your care. You know him and are well acquainted with his life and circumstances. You are mindful that our frames are weak and like dust, yet you still have pardoned us from all our iniquities, have healed all our diseases along the way of life, redeemed our lives from the pit and have crowned us with your compassion and lovingkindness. Now O Lord, I intercede for this very sick man, whom You know, and ask that You will intervene on his behalf, that You will be glorified in heaven and that Your power and love will be seen by all involved. Bless the Lord, O my soul and all that is within me bless Your holy name. This I ask in the name of Jesus. All power and authority has been given to Him in heaven and on earth. Have mercy O Lord.
Lord, be with Stephen and Kelli today. Grant them wisdom beyond the flesh and then give them a peace that passes understanding so they can depart for Chiang Mai without regret. Use them for your Kingdom with this man, his friends and the community they love so deeply. We know you are all powerful and trust in You for all things. Amen.
Please, God, bless and protect our loved ones, Stephen and Kelli and those whom they minister to on a daily basis! We believe and ask that your will be done in this community and these people! May many come to saving knowledge during this time and circumstance, we pray! Amen.