The House Collective

happy sunday.

It always appears to be just an average Sabbath: a visit to my favorite market for fabric and fresh vegetables, a plan to swim laps in the sun, church in the afternoon, and a movie night.

In the end, it is rarely average.

Today, it was a dog attacking a little ten-year-old boy. Not a bite–an attack. He had gashes or scrapes in six different places, and one significant piece of skin missing from his right leg.

I am realizing that I can read the kids tones. They usually only say our names, or maybe come. But when someone is bleeding, I can tell from the tone of voice. There is another tone when an adult is there to see us, and still another when it is the police. I don’t know how to describe it, but twice today I was in the middle of something, and when they called, I could tell it involved blood. It did both times.

Why is there so much blood?

I don’t understand our lives.

But I went fast when I heard come and dog. Dogs really aren’t good things around our neighborhood. The poor little boy was curled up on the dirt, so scared. I cleaned & bandaged him up, gave him some paracetamol for the pain, and told him to rest an hour or so before we went to the hospital to get tetanus and rabies shots.

This is not the happy Sunday part, by the way.

But we went to the Burmese hospital, where I have recently learned I can take patients and use Karen the whole time. This is so wonderfully helpful, and its a cheaper option; so when they have the capacity to treat it there, we go for it. They cleaned and bandaged him up again, probably better than I did the first time, and we learned we needed to go back tomorrow for the shots. They don’t give out shots on Sundays.

All this was done in Karen, and as we were leaving, one of the doctors told me, “Your Karen is very good.”

And that, my friends, is why it is a happy Sunday!

Oh, and I passed an elephant on my run tonight! They are much bigger than cows, and thus even scarier to run by. But also awesome, and thankfully slower than me. An even happier Sunday!

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