We always seem to be questioning if it is “worth it” to live around the world.
Are we really having an impact? And is that impact significant enough that it is worth the challenges?
Is it worth us living so far from family, when there always seems to be something changing? Is it worth us raising support, living off the sacrifices of so many? Is it worth us living where we are uncomfortable? It is worth us devoting so many [sometimes fruitless-feeling] hours to studying language?
How do we measure worth? If we’re counting quantitatively or making an investment portfolio, I think the argument is quite weak. It probably isn’t worth it.
So we look to Christ; we attempt look to eternity. And while this is a better perspective, we are still left wondering. We are often basing our decisions on obedience rather than any assurance in the outcomes or successes.
And while obedience is enough to quiet the soul, I often wonder if it is enough for others. Is our obedience a reason for our families to feel that it is worth it for us to be here? Is our obedience a reason for friends, family, and the Church to support us day in and day out while we are here?
On Sunday we were able to be back at our home church in Little Rock. This group has been wonderful to us. They have prayed for us faithfully, given abundantly, and they are patient with us when we are horrible at keeping in touch. They are always willing to welcome us back and make us feel at home.
They sent us out this week in prayer, which means more than I can say. There are so many things we need prayer for; so many things we are having to wrap our minds around as we try to fully embrace this season and prepare for the seasons ahead.
One sweet friend, Judy, prayed this for us: that we would be equipped for what it is in front of us; that if it was a small mission, we would do it well. And if He has called us to a big mission, that we would be faithful in that, too.
I loved this, and I was so thankful to hear her prayer. It almost seemed to reassure that it was okay for us to be there with great accomplishments or small. And particularly coming from a group that has been so supportive, it means a lot that they feel it was “worth it,” whether the results are visible or measurable or neither.
Feelings from the heart; you 2 are only obedient; you are so sweet…..gma