The House Collective

visiting elephants.

2gk-40How cute are they?!

While spending the day at an elephant conservation center sponsored by the royal family, we attended a show. Being young and attractive, they chose Stephen & I out of the crowd and asked us to come participate!

The elephants were trained to throw small balls into the baskets we were holding. Stephen’s elephant wasn’t stellar with his aim, so Stephen got a little workout running in circles!

My elephant, on the other hand, was a cheater. She took each ball, walked it to me, and put it into the basket. I stood there and smiled.

And elephants can paint. Really impressively.

And then we went for an elephant ride! This was so much fun.

You can’t really tell, but we’re sitting on top of an elephant here.

We also went to see how paper was made from elephant dung, which was pretty amazing.

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