The House Collective

with friends.

So I’ve recently begun playing Words with Friends.

It was the hubs’ idea. He’s the technology guru, and he kept telling me I’d love it if I played with friends & family in the States. I was hesitant: I don’t like technology as much and use it more than I’d like already. Did I really need another attachment to something that blinks and alerts me?

But I listened, and started playing with my sister, brother-in-law, and mom over huge oceans. And it is such fun!

I don’t think it is because of the game.  But I love that it’s another connection point.  While I’ll admit that Skype is a wonderful asset to our living here, Words with Friends pretends we are in the same place.  It allows us to do something together, which we don’t really have the privilege of here.

It’s like having a cup of coffee with friends.

And then winning, which makes it all the better!

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