We were out for a walk on the beach last night. We were looking at the stars and pointing out a few constellations, and Stephen referenced the planetarium we visited in Dallas a few years ago. We were trying to remember when we went and which trip to Dallas it was.
“How did we get there? …Wait, did we drive? We had a car! …Wow, we just had a car, and we just got in it and drove wherever we wanted!”
We then proceeded to discuss how nice it was to have a car that we could just go wherever we chose: we didn’t have to stay within motorbike distance, or bike to the office to sign out a truck to borrow, or buy a bus ticket and find someone to drop us off and pick us up. We just went and put whatever we wanted in the back seat! We had a radio, a cover for rain, and aircon.
The idea seems so far from our lives now, when I leave the house with a helmet.
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