The House Collective

we lied.

It’s not always hot here. And you don’t have to sweat every day.

And though we are sorry we lied and hate to be wrong, we are loving it!

We’ve officially found our favorite time of year. We don’t have to turn on the air, and we don’t have to have fans blowing in every direction. Instead we wear sweaters from about 5pm to 10am. We cozy up under blankets at night. I wear long sleeves on my runs in the morning. We rush into the office for warm coffee in the morning after a very cold motorbike ride. It warms up during the day, so weekend afternoons can still involve swimming.

It’s beautiful.

The only downside? Our water heater for the shower can only heat up a certain amount: if you start with warm water, it can make it hot. But if you start with cold, as we are on these beautiful mornings, it can’t even get it to lukewarm.

And thus, we could see our breath in the bathroom today. I guess that just made me more excited to get into my sweater!


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