The House Collective

in photos.

We’ve just returned from a trip with Chris, Jenn, and a few other Partners staff to some villages along the border. Honestly, I can’t be bothered to recount all the stories while they are still here in present, but here’s a few photos in an attempt to capture some of the fun.

{ready to hike.}

{headed to shower in a waterfall after a long hike.}

{while Chris was busy treating and training, Jenn & I started au naturale art projects with the kids: make pictures out of leaves, sticks, and flowers}

{waterfall one: perfect for climbing, not as good for showering. three visits in three days.}

{it was cold.}

{contemplating the conquer}

{a medic and avid tree climber. he’s after coconuts for a snack. and if the whole tree was in the photo, you wouldn’t be able to see him.}

{obligatory singing for the group; more off key than usual this time.}

{the crew: medics, Partners staff, traveling friends}

{one more suture before leaving town. this one made the rest of us a little light-headed, so we went off to town to find some sweeties for the poor kiddo.}

{waterfall two: absolutely gorgeous.}

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