So our fancy blog provides us with a daily statistic of how many visitors we have to our blog. We check it, and basically watch it stay right around 50. It rarely dips below 20, and rarely rises above 80. We’ve had maybe two “big days” over 100.
Until today.
Today, we apparently had 241 visitors to our humble little blog. 241!
Stephen’s convinced its a glitch.
I’m just curious: who are you? And why today?
Ha ha. It was me!!!!!!
This morning I made an assembly to tell the kids about you and had to keep going onto blog to get photos and stories – surprised it registered each click as a log in as was moving from the toolbar between blog and powerpoint.
Was folied as Fulwood turned up to do the assembly and I had forgotten to put this in the diary. SO called an extra assembly for tomorrow!!!
I hope the kids will agree to provide you with your toy box and the toys and will suggest that we donate £200 of our sponsored walk money (it is this Friday) to you.
I have written on these comments before offering to help out if we can, so will copy this to email too as maybe my comments dont get to you. Realis eit is a no reply email.
If you could email me a short note to put in the classrooms saying how you would spend the money and the impact it would bring that would be great. Thank you.
LOVE your blog – w eprayed for you in home group after I reada particularly poignant one recently. You are both gifted communicators!
Love Sue Hopkinson
This is soooo cool! God is in the middle of all this using the Internet and your blog to partner with you in ministry there.
.The word is out. Karen has been telling people about your blog and so that is some of the activity. That’s great. More excitement to come. We love you lots.