The House Collective


“Why?  Because poverty is complex.  The people living in debilitating poverty live complex lives.  The hearts behind those who have much are complex.  The hearts of those who have nothing are complex.  Considering the teachings of Jesus about material possessions, the poor, and how those truths affect the ways that each of us live our lives is complex.  Poverty and our response to it cannot be and will never be summed up in a short blog post.  Attempting to do so is dangerous at best and wildly prideful in the least.”

I found this excerpt on another blog and thought it was very well-written. I love the way she describes the complexity of both wealth and poverty, and I think this same complexity comes into so many areas of life.

It seems to operate as an excellent disclaimer for this blog: that I in no way intend to simplify life into something conquered with mere words. It seems like each year, month, day of life we are exposed to another side of poverty, another side of wealth, another side of culture, another side of home.

I suppose writing is just a way of processing each string that I discover plays a part in the greater tapestry being created. Nothing more, nothing less.

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