This evening, we were out with the neighborhood kids playing in the street. One little boy, a favorite of ours, was playing with us. He’s famous for a few things: running up to give you a hug the instant you step out the door; leaving his shoes in the yard, where his sister comes after them within a few hours or days; and rushing to “help” us unlock the door and push the screen door open for us.
This evening he was climbing all over Stephen, but got down for a break to walk into the middle of street, and pee right onto the concrete, amidst a crowd of the neighborhood kids and adults.
No one said a thing of correction, until another little guy about two went up to stick his hand out into the urine stream. A few sharp words followed from the mother, to which the little two year old toddled over to Stephen, and promptly wiped his now wet hands on Stephen’s shorts.
And the facial responses were pretty priceless.