Kelli and I are privileged and thankful to be working for Partners Relief and Development. Last weekend we were in Chaing Mai on a staff retreat, which was a great opportunity to get to know other people in our organization. We were able to meet many people whom we have heard about, e-mailed, facebooked (not a real word, I know), talked to or even Skyped with; and now we have a face for this person who has played a role in some way of us being in Thailand. Most importantly we were able to put a personality to these people.
Overall it was a great weekend and we left with a much greater idea of the amazing things that God is doing through Partners. We are really excited to be a part of Partners and wanted to encourage you to check out the website,
Also, Partners publishes a newsletter that just came out, and there is a blurb about us in it. A small blurb about new staff, but still…
We’d encourage you to check out the rest of the newsletter, too. We really enjoyed it and thought it gave a great picture of Partners’s heart. Hope you enjoy it!
[Unfortunately, this link is no longer available on Partners’ website.]