Can I just introduce you to something absolutely wonderful?
Grilled bananas.
We affectionately call him “the banana man” (and his wife), and he makes the most wonderful snack you’ve ever imagined. We found him in 2009 and went nearly every weekend we were in town. He’s moved down the street a little bit since, and his wife is around more often than he is, but they still know how to make something amazing.
Basically, they put four banana pieces on a stick, then grill it over a small charcoal flame. They have them grilling all day in different stages, then when you come up to purchase one, they take the bananas off the stick and smash them between two wood pieces. They put them in a baggie, give you a clean stick to stab them with, and give you some sauce. All for just 10B, or about 33 cents.
The greatness is really in the sauce. I know it has coconut milk in it, and there’s something else that makes it a little carmel-y. But it’s amazing.
This will probably be one of the first things I take people to try when they come to visit. That is assuming they are out–they work independently and don’t feel the need to keep a tight schedule. They go home early if it’s too hot or too wet; they come late if they want to. You’re just lucky to catch them.
Well, I still can’t make the sauce or recommend you to make it at home, but…we did grill some of our own bananas at home and it was pretty good. (Not comparable at all, you see, but good in a completely different way.)
You can just cut a banana up (slices or quarters) and put it in a pan, no oil or anything, and grill them. It’s quite good. I would also recommend it with vanilla yogurt or ice cream. Whip cream is probably delicious, too, but we don’t have that here.
Just something to tie you over until you make it over for a visit.
(Can you tell I’m anxious for visitors? I am.)