We our first guests in the guest room, enjoying the wonderfully Asian bedding! I know, pretty fast, huh?
Another couple just came on with Partners and moved over last week. They have been in a guesthouse for the past couple days, and we just thought we could invite them into our home and lives for a week or so. We had a hard time being in a guesthouse for about twenty days when we first got here; it’s hard to pay for the housing and eating out constantly, plus simply being squeezed into quite a small room. We’ve gotten settled in and thought they could easily join us.
Ryan & Leah are from the states as well, and just got married–just got married. I think they’re going on two weeks yesterday. Wow.
Either way, we’ve enjoyed getting to know them and they’re wonderfully laid back, so not a problem at all to have around. We were glad we could help them save some money and hopefully feel a little more welcomed into Partners 🙂