The House Collective


Dreams are difficult things here. Obviously you can’t choose them, and then it’s odd to dream so vividly of people and places you aren’t in and won’t be for quite some time.

Last night, I dreamt I was at my parents house with four favorites from Oklahoma–Thay, Htoo, Aye, and Moo.  Dad was there, watching a baby (perhaps the new baby Helmick to come in just two weeks!?) and I was taking care of Laurel’s cat (which she doesn’t really have…).  And that was really about it.  We were just playing games and laughing.  The kids kept hiding the baby (very carefully, in closets and things) and dad would say, “Okay, I really need to know now where the baby is…” and they would laugh so hard and he & I would be trying not to.  And then they’d go open the closet and the baby would be sitting there in the little carrier, just fine; so we’d play more games and laugh some more. I could hear the laughter so vividly.

But then you wake up, so far away from so many people.  Stephen & I really are glad we’re here and do like it, but it’s still quite hard. I miss so many of the people we’d usually get to see; I miss the conversations and laughter that were familiar with.  And then it makes for really wonderful dreams that are a little sad to wake up from.


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