On Tuesday when we had just moved into our house, Sonya took us to Tesco to buy a few things to get by and get started: eggs, bread, milk, cereal, water, salt, pepper, cleaning products, etc.
Well, I had made broccoli, toast, and eggs for dinner tonight, and was trying to add salt. I had already added some to the broccoli and eggs, but they were still so bland. I shook some on and commented on the funny shape–instead of crystals, they are longer strip-like crystals. That’s when Stephen recognized the shape and looked at the bottle. I bought MSG. I’ve been choosing to add MSG to our meals for the past three days, unknowingly.
Oh, dear.
Oh you funny girl; you should be well preserved~~~~
Good thing you’re in the habit of eating healthy so you can combat the effects of all that MSG!
I looked up MSG to see what it is and it said, “MSG tricks your tongue into making you think a certain food is high in protein and thus nutritious.” Sounds like it might help the food there…
The helmets are very attractive. HaHA You need them. As far as MSG, you know why the guy in New York used the stuff. Ha ha
Oh, that’s funny!! I read a book once written by a chinese chef who learned to cook in China. She visited a factory that made MSG and after spending an entire day there, still didn’t know exactly how it was made or what the ingredients were.
Very funny
Eh, you’ve got plenty of good health history to make up for that! What’s a few days of heavy MSG? 😉 Too funny!