Currently: sitting in the Charlotte, North Carolina airport; taking off in about 3 hours for Manchester, England. Bursting with excitement to see my dear sister Jenn (and Chris, too!). Ignoring the morning we’ve been through.
We said our last goodbyes this morning at the airport. I was overwhelmed at the feeling of loneliness as we walked into security.
I’ve had a really hard time grasping two years over the past few days. How do you wrap your mind around that? What does that look like in the lives of those around us? The nieces and nephews pain me the most, to think of all the talking, crawling, walking, giggling, and learning that comes out of two years. I think of the huge chasm between an unborn baby and a two year old toddler I haven’t been privileged to meet; a new five year old that will be pushing seven before I know it; a silent 18 month old that will be speaking sentences as a 3 year old; an infant who won’t know us at all as a 2 year old.
Even two years for adults includes long-awaited graduations, the joy of engagement, the trial of new jobs, the search for a new house, the announcement of pregnancy. I just can’t fathom it. I can’t fathom what we’ve stepped into.
It’s all very surreal now. Not sure what’s around the corner, but moving forward.
(I’ll really try to get back to more exciting posts soon, by the way.)
But now, Lord, what do I look for? My hope is in you. Psalm 39:7
This post made me cry! I love you guys! I’m praying for you today, I am asking for rest, and peace. Much love!
…and dad and mom Blunier cried…with joy, excitment, longing, looking back, looking forward, anticipation, expectation, peace, love…God squeezed our hearts.
We love you!